Personal insurance – covering all of you
You can now take out the accident insurance you know – with far more assistance and many more covers, e.g. physiotherapy, dental insurance and health insurance.
First select your age, then calculate your premium
The personal insurance is an accident insurance policy that covers all of you.
For example, Personal Insurance Super, covers certain critical illnesses, dental insurance that also covers regular dental treatments and health insurance entitling you to private hospital treatment and fast assistance when you need it.
Benefits under the personal insurance
Regardless of your age, you can choose the super package and get free access to medical assistance via your phone.
You are covered when you engage in what we call dangerous sports, such as parachuting. Cover is provided both in Denmark and on travels worldwide for up to 12 months – so have a good and active holiday.
You are free to take out personal insurance with us, even if you are ill or have a disability. We do not cover pre-existing injuries and illnesses – but we cover if your condition deteriorates because of an accident.
The personal insurance covers you when you ride a motorcycle – without you having to pay a special extra premium. Cover is provided both in Denmark and abroad.
How the personal insurance works
All the most important covers provided regardless of your age
You are used to accident insurance providing cover if you are injured in an accident, e.g. if your teeth are damaged. Your accidence insurance can help solve any financial problems that an accident may entail. This is now part of the basic cover provided by the personal insurance.
You can then choose to take out additional cover in the form of illness insurance, dental insurance and health insurance for a combined policy which covers you from top to toe.
Do you need full-time accident insurance or leisure-time accident insurance?
You can choose whether your insurance is to cover 24 hours a day or only during your leisure time. The full-time accident insurance covers if you sustain a work-related injury, while the leisure-time accident insurance only covers injury sustained during your leisure time.
You may be covered by group accident insurance through your workplace, but the sum insured under your employer’s insurance may be lower than you think, i.e. the maximum amount of compensation payable to you
You can choose just the type of accident insurance that suits you best, but we always recommend that you take out full-time accident insurance. Our accident insurance functions as a supplement to the sum insured under any group accident insurance by which you are covered.
Is your child covered by accident insurance?
Our child insurance combines three products in one and provides the most important accident, illness and health insurance covers in a single package. Accident cover is free for your child in the first year of his or her life, and you get the child insurance at the same fixed low premium for children aged between 1 and 18.